Tuesday, October 29, 2013


ooooh...where should I begin with Levi? Levi is....Levi is AWESOME! I had a blast with him and his mother, and learning a bit about his life. Levi is involved with everything in high school and his community, and thrives at it all. He is smart, handsome and kind. And a great model! Here are just a FEW from his session, there are so, so many more.

Levi- thanks for taking the trip to visit me all the way from Sioux Falls, and thanks for being so awesome! It was a pleasure meeting you and your mom!

Levi played goal keeper for LHS for three years. I wish I could have seen him in action!

This one is my Favorite!

No, THIS one is.

 Levi can run the mile in 4:59. Holy Crap!

Thanks again Levi, I'm already excited to see you again!

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